Congratulations to this year's winners of the IAAAM Student Presentation Awards.

Student Poster Competition

Bryce Miller, veterinary student, University of Florida
Discrepancy of Plasma Iron Concentrations with Tissue Iron Stores in Chronically Debilitated Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta) with Inflammatory Disease

1st Place- Undergrads/Vet Students/Masters Students Presentation Competition

Mauricio Seguel, PhD Student, University of Georgia
Hookworm Clearance in South American Fur Seal pups (Arctocephalus australis): Mechanisms and Role in Pup Survival.

2nd Place- Undergrads/Vet Students/Masters Students Presentation

Jacob Rodgers, Veterinary Student, Colorado State University
Optimization of Diagnostic Approaches in Marine Parasitology and Specific Gravity Determination of Helminth Eggs in Pinnipeds

1st Place- Intern/Resident/Post-Doc Student Competition

Laura Thompson, Post-Doc, Mystic Aquarium
The Complement Cascade In Marine Mammals As A Mechanism To Avoid Damage From Nitrogen Bubbles During Diving

2nd Place- Intern/Resident/Post-Doc Student Competition

Brittany Stevens, Aquatic Animal Health Fellow, UC Davis
Ultrasonographic Determination of Normal Juvenile Koi (Cyprinus carpio) Anatomy and Gender
